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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an FDA-cleared treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and MDD with anxious depression. If you are exploring this option, you might find it helpful to know about insurance coverage for NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy; in Reno, contact our team for more information about your eligibility.
Most insurance plans in the United States fully or partially cover TMS therapy for eligible adult patients. While the specific requirements for your insurance carrier may vary, most policies include these requirements:
U.S. health insurance companies that offer partial or complete coverage for TMS therapy include Advance Care, Aetna, Anthem, Beacon, BlueCross, BlueShield, CareCredit, Humana, Kaiser Permanente, Medicaid, Medicare, Meritain, Signa, Tricare, and United Healthcare.
Since coverage and reimbursement vary depending on individual policies and guidelines, please contact your insurance provider directly to determine your coverage and eligibility for TMS treatments.
Some plans require patients to have prior authorization before they will cover TMS; and all the patient’s relevant healthcare providers must complete any necessary paperwork before they can start treatment. These steps are critical because the medical coding used for TMS therapy must accurately reflect the nature of the treatment and diagnosis for insurance to reimburse it.
Our Reno team can help you in determining your insurance coverage for NeuroStar TMS therapy.
There are many ways to improve your chances that insurance will cover NeuroStar TMS therapy at our Reno clinic.
Review your policy and contact your insurance provider to understand what criteria must be met for coverage. Some carriers require minimums on how long you have stayed with other treatment approaches, including medication trials.
Always keep accurate records and documentation of your prior and current mental healthcare to show the degree to which any treatments have contributed to your progress. Document conversations, keep copies of letters, and note the dates and times of any phone conversations with providers. This information is essential to ensure the medical necessity of TMS therapy is well-documented. It may also be valuable if you need to appeal a denial of coverage.
If your insurance company denies TMS therapy coverage, our team can help make sure that treatment is affordable. NeuroStar works with CareCredit and Advance Care to provide financing options if a patient needs help paying for their treatment. TMS therapy is also available via a cash-pay option.
There is financial relief available when you want to treat your major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or MDD with anxious depression with TMS therapy: Insurance coverage for NeuroStar TMS Therapy in Reno is available. While TMS is safe and highly effective, a course of treatment can be expensive. You want to make sure you have a plan so you can concentrate on your mental health without worrying about the cost of treatment.
Our team is happy to answer any questions you might have. For more information, or to schedule a consultation, reach out to our clinic today.