Candidates for NeuroStar TMS Therapy in Reno

When you are suffering from a mental health condition with no relief from medication or other treatments, NeuroStar can be absolutely life-changing. This treatment is the #1 doctor-recommended TMS therapy that has offered hope to hundreds of thousands of patients who have not achieved relief from standard treatment. Our practice specializes in psychiatric and mental health treatment. We are committed to bringing our patients the best treatments on the market to offer improved quality of life. To discover if you are a candidate for NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy in Reno, speak to our mental health team today.

Candidates for NeuroStar TMS Therapy

NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy is indicated for use for adolescent patients over the age of 15 with depression and qualifying adults with mental health conditions, such as:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Major depressive disorder with anxious depression
  • Major depressive disorder (MDD, also known as clinical depression)

Our clinicians in Reno could help you establish if you are a good candidate for NeuroStar TMS therapy with an initial consultation with our mental health specialists.

NeuroStar TMS Therapy Insurance Coverage

Treatment courses can last about seven weeks and as little as 19 minutes each for long-lasting relief from your mental health symptoms. NeuroStar is also very affordable for our Reno patients. With coverage available for over 300 million Americans from major insurance providers, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare, NeuroStar can be the best treatment option for you from a financial perspective.

We can help you establish if your insurance coverage in Reno will cover NeuroStar and whether you qualify for direct financial aid from NeuroStar Reimbursement Support.

When Should I Consider NeuroStar?

NeuroStar can be life-changing for patients with MDD, OCD, and anxious depression. You should consider NeuroStar if you are:

  • Not achieving results from therapy
  • Unable to adhere to your medication
  • Unable or unwilling to undergo therapy
  • Switching back and forth between medications
  • Struggle with achieving long-lasting comfort from your medication
  • Concerned about the side effects of your medications and their impact on your daily living

Many of our patients struggle with the above challenges with medication and therapy. Each of these situations can disrupt your daily living.

Since NeuroStar is not medication-based, it may be an ideal treatment solution for Reno candidates who no longer wish to pursue medication treatment. TMS therapy is designed to treat your mental health symptoms directly and can provide lasting and effective change, making it a more preferential treatment compared to therapy.

Who Is Not Eligible for NeuroStar?

While NeuroStar may be a good treatment option for many qualifying patients, not every patient is eligible for this procedure. It is important to schedule a consultation with a qualified mental health professional to discover if you are an ideal candidate for NeuroStar TMS treatments in Reno.

TMS therapy is not recommended for:

  • Pregnant patients
  • Children under the age of 15
  • Patients with permanent conductive metal or stimulator implants in or near the head
  • Patients with active or inactive implants such as deep brain stimulators, cochlear implants, and vagus nerve stimulators

If you feel that you may not be eligible for NeuroStar, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our clinic anyway. Our clinicians specialize in a variety of mental health treatments, and we can help you find the best and safest treatment for your specific mental health needs.

Call To Learn Whether You Are a Candidate for NeuroStar Advanced TMS Therapy in Reno Today

NeuroStar can be an excellent treatment option for patients who are seeking alternative non-medicinal and non-surgical treatment options to achieve long-lasting symptomatic relief from depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety. NeuroStar is FDA-cleared and widely considered to be a gentler, safer, and lower-risk alternative to medication and surgery.

Contact Philip Malinas, M.D. & Associates today to find out if you are a candidate for NeuroStar TMS Therapy in Reno—the number one doctor-recommended treatment of its kind.